Applying for a Student Visa in Thailand

Registration with an Educational Institution

Enroll in a school or educational institute accredited by the Ministry of Education for at least 3 months. Pay for the first 3 months or a 50% deposit of the course fee, whichever is higher. Fill out the student visa form TM.7.

Required Documents:

  • Original passport
  • Two 4×6 cm photos
  • Personal information (address, phone number, monthly expenses, etc.)

Process Time 1 Working Day

Return to the school or educational institute to sign documents and apply for your visa from the Provincial Education Office.

2-4 Weeks

Follow up with students intending to obtain Ed Visa. Once documentation is received from the Provincial Education Office, students can collect documents during office hours and pay the remaining tuition fee.

Travel Preparation

Visa applicants need to arrange their own travel and accommodation for the trip to the Thai embassy or consulate abroad.

Visa Application

Apply in person or via email to the embassy or consulate with the following documents:

  • Passport
  • One 4×6 cm photo
  • School documents (license and letter)
  • Receipt for course fee
  • Completed application form
  • Other documents as specified by the embassy or consulate

1-2 Days

Retrieve your passport and return to Thailand.

Within 14 Days

Start classes within 2 weeks of entering Thailand. If not previously started, bring the passport to the school for a copy of the student visa and notify the Education Office. The school needs additional photos for visa extension applications.

Enjoy Your Stay in Thailand

Enjoy your time in Thailand without worrying about visa runs (but still report every 90 days).

Applying for a Visa Before Entering Thailand

Online Enrollment for at Least 14 Weeks

Pay a deposit to confirm enrollment.

Fill Out Student Visa Form

Scan and email the student’s passport to the school.

Process Time 1 Working Day

The school will send documents to print, sign, scan, and email back. Once received, the school will apply for a letter from the Provincial Education Office.

2-4 Weeks

The school will contact the student once the letter is received. The student then pays the remaining tuition fee and arranges for document postage.

Visa Application

Apply in person or via email to the embassy or consulate with the same set of documents as mentioned above.

1-10 Working Days

Receive your passport with the student visa.

Enter Thailand

Travel to Thailand with the student visa.

Within 14 Days

Start classes within 2 weeks of entering Thailand and bring the passport to the school for a copy of the student visa and notify the Education Office. Additional photos are required for visa extension applications.

Enjoy Your Stay in Thailand

Enjoy your time in Thailand without worrying about visa runs (but still report every 90 days).

Steps for Applying for a Student Visa to Study Abroad

  • Step 1: Sign a contract and pay a deposit. An agent will interview you and your sponsors at the office (or via phone/email).
  • Step 2: We will meet to discuss procedures and timelines, provide a checklist of documents, and prepare your presentation.
  • Step 3: We will follow up on document collection, schedule health checks, and request criminal record certificates.
  • Step 4: We will compile documents for translation, fill out forms, organize files, draft explanatory letters, and coach you for interviews.
  • Step 5: We will submit the complete application and supporting documents to the embassy or visa representative.

Factors That Can Lead to Student Visa Rejection

  1. Enrolling in a course that is not consistent with previous educational qualifications.
  2. Age or a long gap since the last educational achievement but intending to study English, which may raise suspicions about the purpose of the visa.
  3. Insufficient funds or assets to cover expenses for the duration of the course.

Why Choose ThaiEducationVisa?

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Efficiency and

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